Wizard of Oz
JoinedTopics Started by Wizard of Oz
Apostate Reactions To Blog Closing
by Bangalore in.
apostate reactions to blog closing.. http://stayawake-standfirm.blogspot.com/2012/03/apostate-reactions-to-blog-closing.html.
Wheres the safest place on earth to run to!!!
by Star tiger in.
with all the bad things happening now where would be the safest place to be, for myself and and famiy i would expect that would be somewhere in the far east high above the food plain, people there also have much more repect for human life and do not leave their elders to die alone without any respect and have a much nicer famiy society and seem to be much more organised as to their affairs.. .
star tiger.
The Two Trees - My Genesis Ponderings
by cedars ini've just posted a new blog article to jwstruggle.com on the link below:.
the purpose behind the article is to explore my own doubts and long-standing confusion over the genesis narrative - particularly the events surrounding adam and eve's expulsion from eden, and the "two trees" (namely the "tree of life" and the "tree of the knowledge of good and bad").. in my article i discuss my confusion over what the exact properties of the "tree of the knowledge of good and bad" may have been, and the fact that evidently by eating of the fruit adam and eve did not become sinful but more godlike.
How Come I Rarely See People In Field Service, Vs The 1980-1990s Doing House2House?
by Bubblegum Apotheosis infield service hours have hit new records each year, but i am seeing less people working the territory.
where is all the time spent, that people are putting in the field ministry?
it's been close to ten years, since i have seen people working certain territories.
For seekers - how to personally find God and hear him speak
by Fernando inplease ignore this thread if you are not looking for god.
this thread is for seekers, and for those who have found god to share their insights and experience.. the unabridged gospel message was designed as a map that leads to a personal relationship with the "god of abraham" (yahweh) through a direct relationship with jesus (as our one and only mediator).. as such it is the exact opposite of the message called "religion" which leads instead to a personal relationship and intimacy with the "god of religion" (satan the devil who transforms himself into an angel of light) and his religious organisations, hierarchies, clergy, sanhedrins and pharisees.. two key bible passages highlight this antithetical relationship: matthew 23 (religion, self-righteousness) versus romans 3 & 4 (the gospel, especially imputed righteousness or justification, similar to imputed holiness or sanctification).. a useful starting point may be to find and mark the 152-odd times that the bible refers to the "good news" or "gospel" depending on which translation.
the watchtower library search tool can be useful for this.
by Badfish inyou are all demonized apostates don't you know this, this is exactly what the slave was warning us about not to take apostate tracts and listen to apostates now you're all doing the same thing you were warned against and now you've corruspted my mind and made me mentally diseased and i hope jehovah destroys you all at armageddon!!!
why JWs doesn't celebrate birthday?
by vientotz ini'm so curious, why they're not celebrating their birthdays?
is it just because jesus don't celebrate it and it's not written in the bible that they celebrated the birthday of jesus?
or is it written in the bible not to celebrate birthday?
You need a messiah
by StopTheTears inyou might well ask that question, do we need a messiah?
yes, it would be logical to wonder whether a messiah would have any real effect on you.. .
some whose opinion you may respect would assure you that the answer is clear and unequivocal: you definitely do need a messiah, just as much as everyone else does.. .
by mouthy inwatchtower ,aug 1st 1981 say.
your attitude toward the wheat like anointed "brothers"of christ will be the determining factor as to whether you go into "everlasting cutting off"or to receive "everlasting life ( math 25:34-36.
watchtower,july 15th 1991 says.